• 04/08/2022
Keywords: Roma, Città storica di Roma Capitale, attività tutelate, attività vietate

As we have already explained talking about protected activities, a special regulatory regime is in force in the Historic City of Rome in order to preserve some commercial and craft activities considered to be of particular value.

This is to promote a quality productive fabric, reducing the concentration of commercial activities in favour of craft production and protect the decorum of what is, without doubt, the most important city of art in the world.

The decision to do so has led to the need to forbid the exercise of certain activities within specific areas of the capital city of Rome.

The forbidden activities are expressly identified in Article 11 of the Municipal Resolution of Rome 49/2019:

a) wholesale trade with or without goods storage and showrooms used for display and sale;
b) storage depots and warehouses not functionally connected with existing retail establishments in the area;
c) video game arcades, billiards and other lawful games referred to in Article 110 of the Consolidated Law on Public Security;
d) body shops and car repair shops;
e) indoor outlets engaged in sales activities facing the street;
f) sex shops;
g) car wash facilities;
h) sale of any type of object depicting images contrary to public decency and decorum;
i) laboratories exclusively or predominantly engaged in the preparation and sale of foodstuffs characterised by final cooking by means of a fryer;
j) self-service laundries with a total capacity exceeding 100 kg;
k) sales made by means of automatic machines pursuant to Article 17 of Legislative Decree 114/1998 as amended;
l) establishments engaged in the purchase of used gold and the sale thereof;
m) massage centres not combined with beauty activities or that do not possess a specific certificate of professional competence.

These activities are considered incompatible with the need to protect environmental and urban values if they are carried out in Tissues T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, wherever they are located, and in T6, where located within the perimeter of the UNESCO Site.

For a description of the Tissues, please refer to the article on protected activities.

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