• 04/06/2022
Do you want to furnish your home and enjoy at the same time deduct the related expenditure from your tax return? There is the furniture bonus!
The furniture bonus is a tax relief provided by art. 16 of d.l. 63/2013 (as amended by art. 1, paragraph 37, l. 234/2021).
It allows to deduct 50% of the expenses for the furnishing of a property undergoing renovation.
The deadline to take advantage of the furniture bonus is currently set at December 31, 2024.


* new furniture
* household appliances With reference to the latter, for equipment for which the energy label is provided, aimed at furnishing the property under renovation, is required to have qualified energy classes:
* large household appliances: class A or higher
* ovens: class not lower than A
* washing machines, washer-dryers, dishwashers: class E
* refrigerators and freezers: class F


To take advantage of the furniture bonus, three conditions must be met:
* the purchase must be related to the execution of a building renovation (extraordinary maintenance, restoration and renovation; restructuring; reconstruction or restoration of the building following a disaster)
* the renovation work must have started from 1 January of the year preceding that of the purchase of furniture or appliances
* the furniture and household appliances must be purchased to furnish the property subject to the building intervention.
It is not, however, necessary that the furniture purchased is intended to furnish the specific room being renovated: you can, therefore, bring in deduction a share of the costs incurred for a cabinet even if the object of restructuring is the kitchen.


* Individuals, outside the exercise of business, art or profession

* Condominium

* Members of cooperatives (divided and undivided)

* Members of simple companies 

* Individual entrepreneurs (exclusively for properties that are not instrumental or goods)


Only the following types of buildings are eligible for the furniture bonus:
* multi-family buildings (regardless of whether or not the condominium is established)
* single-family buildings
* single real estate unit within a condominium, including appurtenances


Expenditure can be deducted in 10 years by shares of equal amount. In the case of bonus furniture the taxpayer can not exercise the option of transferring the credit or the discount on the invoice.
The expenditure ceilings provided by law are different depending on the deadlines:
* € 16,000 until December 31, 2021
* € 10,000 for 2022
* € 5,000 for 2023 and 2024
The maximum expenditure limit is intended to be established for the single real estate unit.
When the renovation work involves more than one real estate unit, the taxpayer can enjoy the benefit several times.

You have to make a renovation and want to svecchiare the furniture?
Contact us, we will explain how to access the furniture bonus.

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